
How long did I sleep last night: using Cordova, HealthKit, and JavaScript, and a handful of Promises

Now that we can know how much activity I did yesterday, we can look at whether I am getting enough sleep.

A quick look at the Apple documentation lets us see that HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis is the right measure to be using.

This is a subtype of SampleType so we can use the querySampleType function.

First of all here is the same boilerplate code, with the minor modification to allow for access to the sleep data rather than the step data we used before. You could of course combine the two.

var wearable = {

    avaliable: _.once(function() {

        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            if (window.plugins.healthkit) {
                        function() {
                            console.log('Healthkit is avaliable');
                        function() {
                            console.log('Healthkit is not avaliable');
            } else {
                reject(Error('HealthKit Not Available'));

    getHealthKit : _.once(function() {

        return wearable.avaliable().then(function() {

            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                            'readTypes': ['HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis'],
                            'writeTypes': []
                function() {
                    console.log('HealthKit authorisation accepted');
                function() {
                    reject(Error('HealthKit authorisation rejected'));



Then it is s simple matter of querying HeathKit with a useful date range. Note I use limit and ascending to access the last data point – it is possible that different tools will report multiple entires for a single night. (In particular new parents) I need to do a little bit more investigation here.

wearable = {


    querySleep: function() {

        wearable.getHealthKit().then(function(healthkit) {

                var startDate = moment().subtract('d', 1).toDate();

                        'startDate': startDate,
                        'endDate': moment().toDate(),
                        'sampleType': 'HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis',
                        'ascending': 'NO',
                        'limit': 1
                    function(value) {
                        console.log('Success for runing sleep query');

                        // Debug output for the momment
                        value.forEach(function(next) {

                            var measure = next.value === 1 ? 'Sleeping' : 'In Bed';
                            var minutesSleep = moment(next.endDate).diff(next.startDate, 'minutes');
                            var hoursSleep = moment(next.endDate).diff(next.startDate, 'hours');
                            console.log('Entry got ' + minutesSleep + ' minutes ' + measure);
                            console.log('Entry got ' + hoursSleep + ' hours ' + measure);


                        // Use data in some way


Finally it would be really useful to be able to be told when data is added to HealthKit by another app for example the client app for a wearable. You can do this using the monitorSampleType function. Ideally this would code would then use something called an anchored query so you only access the most recently added data; but I haven’t had time to implement this yet so we simply call querySleep().

Now making sure you app wakes up in the background to receive this data is a whole other blog….

var wearable = {


    monitorSleep: _.once(function() {

        console.log('Starting to monitor sleep');

        wearable.getHealthKit().then(function(healthkit) {
                    'sampleType': 'HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis'
                _.debounce(function(value) {
                    console.log('Sleep data has been updated, lets see if anything interesting has been added');
                }, 2000),
                function() {
                    console.log('Failed to monitor sample data');

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