
Populate Oracle JET table on top of Oracle ADF BC using REST Web Service

Previously I have posted about creating REST Web Service from ADF Application Module and in this post, I am going to use the same REST service for populating data in a JET table. Here we’ll populate JET table on top of Oracle ADF BC (Business Components).

Here I am taking the same sample application that I have discussed in my first post Getting started with Oracle JET and JDeveloper

The URL of ADF BC based web service is and it returns a list of Departments in nested JSON format

Oracle JET table

Let’s see the implementation part

Add an oj-table component in the dashboard.html page and define the required number of columns, this web service returns a list of Departments so I have taken 4 columns for Department Id, Department Name, Manager Id, and Location Id

<div class="oj-hybrid-padding">
  <h1>Dashboard Content Area</h1>
<div id="div1">
          <oj-table id='table' aria-label='Departments Table'
                                        selection-mode='{"row": "multiple", "column": "multiple"}'
                                        dnd='{"reorder": {"columns": "enabled"}}'
                                        scroll-policy-options='{"fetchSize": 10}'
                                        columns='[{"headerText": "Department Id", 
                                                   "field": "dept_id",
                                                   "resizable": "enabled"},
                                                  {"headerText": "Department Name", 
                                                   "field": "dept_name",
                                                   "resizable": "enabled"},
                                                   {"headerText": "Manager Id", 
                                                   "field": "mgr_id",
                                                   "resizable": "enabled"},
                                                  {"headerText": "Location Id", 
                                                   "field": "loc_id",
                                                   "resizable": "enabled"}
                                        style='width: 100%; height: 400px;'>

Now see the code of dashboard.js, Read comments to understand the javascript code, Here getJSON() method of jQuery is used to call REST Web Service as jQuery is a part of Oracle JET libraries.

 * Your dashboard ViewModel code goes here
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojtable', 'ojs/ojarraytabledatasource'], 
function (oj, ko, $) {
    function DashboardViewModel() {
        var self = this;
        //Define a Knockout observable array and name it tabData 
        self.tabData = ko.observableArray();
        //Use jQuery method to call REST Web Service
        then(function (departments) {
        //JSON response is nested that's why 'items' is used to access records
            $.each(departments.items, function () {
                //Push data in Observable array
                self.tabData.push( {
                    dept_id : this.DepartmentId, 
                    dept_name : this.DepartmentName, 
                    mgr_id : this.ManagerId, 
                    loc_id : this.LocationId
        //Pass observable array in utility class to show data in table
        self.datasource = new oj.ArrayTableDataSource(self.tabData, 
            idAttribute : 'dept_id'

tabData is a knockout observable array that is defined to hold returned value and you can see that
self.tabData.push is used to push web service data into this array and at last a JET utility class
ArrayTableDataSource is used to convert this observable array in tabular format data.

Now run application and you can see that a JET table is populated with Departments data

Oracle JET table


 Happy Learning

Published on Web Code Geeks with permission by Ashish Awasthi, partner at our WCG program. See the original article here: Populate Oracle JET table on top of Oracle ADF BC using REST Web Service

Opinions expressed by Web Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Ashish Awasthi

An Oracle ACE, Blogger, Reviewer, Technical Lead working on Oracle ADF
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