
jQuery getJSON example

The goal of this example is to show you how to use the jQuery .getJSON() method.

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a data interchanging format. JSON is a set of key/value pairs, the value may be a string, boolean, number, object or an array. As an example look at this personal information in json format: {"name":"maykel","age":25}.

To get the json format data, jQuery provides us with a helpful method. The jQuery getJSON() method helps us to get json data from a URL and call a callback function to handle it. This method takes two parameters: the URL and the callback method.

Let’s look at some examples. To download the jQuery library, click here.


First of all you need to create a simple html document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>


2. jQuery getJSON examples

2.1 Getting json data example

Let’s add the following simple html code.

  <div id="container" style="height:100px"></div>  
 <a href="javascript:retrun 0;" onclick="showUserInfo()">Show User Info</a>  

As you may notice in the following example, the .getJSON() method is used to send an ajax request and call the callback function to handle the json data.

<script type="text/javascript">
	function showUserInfo(){
		$.getJSON( "personaldata.json", function( data ) {
		  $.each( data, function( key, val ) {
			$("<div>" + key + " = " + val + "</div>").appendTo( "#container" );

The json is as follows:


The result in the browser would be:

Getting json data example
Getting json data example

2.2 Getting complex json data example

Let’s add the following simple html code.

  <div id="container" style="height:165px"></div>  
  <a href="javascript:retrun 0;" onclick="showUsersInfo()">Show Users Info</a>  

In this example, the values are complex objects. For that we need to handle them by iterating over their properties (please notice the line 6 of the following jQuery code).

<script type="text/javascript">
	function showUsersInfo(){
		$.getJSON( "personaldata2.json", function( data ) {
		  $.each( data, function( key, user ) {
" + key + "
").appendTo( "#container" ); $.each( user, function( pkey, value ) { $("
" + pkey + " = " + value + "
").appendTo( "#container" ); }); $("
").appendTo( "#container" ); }); }); } </script>

The json is as follows:


The result in the browser would be:

Getting complex json data example
Getting complex json data example


jQuery provides an easy method to get json data and handle them. The jQuery .getJSON() method is used for this purpose. This method sends an ajax request and calls the given callback function. The json is a set of key/value pairs, the value may be a string, boolean, number, object or an array.

4. Download

Download: You can download the full source code of this example here : jQuery getjson example

Saeb Najim

Saeb has graduated from the University of Technology. During the last ten years (since 2005) he has been involved with a large number of projects about programming, software engineering, design and analysis . He works as a senior Software Engineer in the e-commerce and web development sector where he is mainly responsible for projects based on Java, Java frameworks, design patterns and Big Data technologies.
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