Web Dev

6 Video Courses to Prepare You for the New Web Era

The Internet world is changing rapidly.

And as programmers, we need to stay up to date with the most recent developments.

Some of the most important trends that you need to be on top of are the proliferation of frameworks like AngularJS and NodeJS, templating libraries like VueJS, and rendering libraries like React.

These are all technologies that are going to change the Web Programming landscape in the coming years.

For this reason, we have hand-picked and present you 6 amazing courses on the aforementioned technologies at deep discounts for your eyes only! Let's see what we have!

Note: The Discounts will be available for a few days only, so make sure to take advantage of them NOW!

1) The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 ($10 $200 95% off!)

Learn By Doing – build 25 websites and real mobile apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, MySQL and a lot more.

Based on feedback from over 25,000 5-star reviews, we’ve created The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0, the sequel to the global smash-hit: Build 14 Websites course. It’s the most current, in-depth and exciting coding course—to date.

Designed for you—no matter where you are in your coding journey—my next-generation web developer course is overflowing with fresh content. Jam-packed with high-quality tutorials. And crucially, features the most advanced, hot-off-the-press software versions. It’s your fast-track to iron-clad coding results.



2) ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide ($10 $80 88% off!)

ES6 Javascript Development from scratch. Get practice with live examples and learn exactly where to apply ES6 features.

Mastering ES6 syntax can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you’ve been dreaming of. It’s a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, especially with the release of modern web frameworks like React and Angular 2.

This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build applications using each new piece of Javascript syntax introduced with ES6.



3) Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide ($10 $150 93% off!)

Learn to build real-world apps with Angular2 with confidence

Angular 2 is the next big thing. It’s one of the leading frameworks for building modern, scalable, cross-platform apps. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular 2.

In Angular 2 with TypeScript, Mosh, author of six 5-star Udemy courses, takes you on a fun, hands-on and pragmatic journey to master Angular 2.



4) Modern React with Redux($10 $180 94% off!)

Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps supported by NPM, Webpack, and ES6

Mastering React and Redux can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you’ve been dreaming of. It’s a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, especially with the release of Redux and ReactNative.

This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.



5) Learn and Understand NodeJS ($10 $195 95% off!)

Dive deep under the hood of NodeJS. Learn V8, Express, the MEAN stack, core Javascript concepts, and more.

NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.

In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems.



6) Vue JS 2 – The Complete Guide (incl. Vuex) ($10 $195 95% off!)

VueJS is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications! Vue.js mixes the Best of Angular 2 + React!

No matter at which Metric you look (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets) VueJS is the Shooting Star in the World of JavaScript Frameworks – it simply is amazing!

You may know Angular 2 and ReactJS, well, VueJS combines the Best of both Frameworks and makes building anything from small Widgets to big, Enterprise-Level Apps a Breeze and a whole lot of Fun! And if you don’t know the two mentioned Frameworks: That’s fine, too, this Course does not expect any knowledge of any other Frontend Framework – you will learn it all throughout this Course!



Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Web Code Geeks.
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