
The Future of Docker Is Open

Earlier this year, Docker announced native Kubernetes support within Docker for customers using Docker Enterprise Edition, Docker for Mac, and Docker for Windows. After the announcement, I sat down with Phil Estes, a senior member of IBM’s technical staff and a fellow Docker Captain, to talk about our predictions for the future of Docker.

Phil and I both agree that the Kubernetes announcement follows previous moves in the Docker ecosystem to become more open and collaborative. Docker has made it clear that it values openness and collaboration, and that it will continue its commitment to making software that is both free as in speech and free as in beer.

Native Kubernetes integration in Docker was in the making for many months, and the first outward signal that Docker envisioned an open future for itself happened at DockerCon in Austin earlier this year.

During the keynote, Solomon Hykes, CTO of Docker, announced the founding of the Moby Project, which formally separated the concerns of Docker the product with the open-source projects that are used to build it. Moby components are open source and governed openly by their communities. Having a clear separation of concerns between Docker and Moby allowed further open collaboration with tools outside of the Docker Inc. umbrella, like Kubernetes.

Continuing the trend of openness, projects within the Moby Project have recently been given the option to swap out the BDFL governance model (Solomon being the BDFL) in favor of a Technical Steering Committee, a seven-member elected group that can serve as an escalation point to resolve disputes and conflicts.

But perhaps the biggest benefit to this openness — aside from cool new container orchestration features — is that the Docker and Kubernetes communities can work together in more focused and fruitful capacities. The two communities have managed to build powerful tools already, and I’m looking forward to building even more awesome stuff together.

Published on Web Code Geeks with permission by Laura Frank, partner at our WCG program. See the original article here: The Future of Docker Is Open

Opinions expressed by Web Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Laura Frank

Laura Frank is an engineer at Codeship. She loves containers, Docker, Golang, Ruby, and beer, not necessarily in that order.
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