HTML5 Textarea Example

The focus of this example will be the textarea tag of HTML5.

This tag defines a multiline text input control. The textarea can hold an unlimited number of characters and its size can be defined whether by rows and columns in html or more precisely by width and height in css.

Some of the attributes we will see are new to HTML5 (i.e autofocus, required, placeholder etc) which enhance this tag’s usability.

The textarea element is supported by most popular browsers like Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

1. Basic Setup and Application

First, go ahead and create e new html file with basix syntax inside:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>HTML5 Textarea Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
<!-- HTML SECTION  -->

To define a textarea, just start a new textarea tag and enter text inside like so:

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea>This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>

You have created the following textarea:

Basic Textarea Tag Application
Basic Textarea Tag Application

2. Variations of Textarea Attributes

Well, textarea has also attributes that can be assigned inside the tag, like any other html element:

1. autofocus – tells the textarea to be in focus when the page loads

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea autofocus='autofocus'>This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>
Autofocus Attribute of Textarea
Autofocus Attribute of Textarea

2. cols – specifies the visible width of a text area

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea cols='50'>This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>
Cols Attribute of Textarea
Cols Attribute of Textarea

3. disabled – specifies a text area that should be disabled

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea disabled="disabled">This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>
Disabled Attribute of Textarea
Disabled Attribute of Textarea

4. maxlength – specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the textarea

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea maxlength="250">This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>

No need for a view, it’s the same textarea just with a 250 input characters condition.

5. placeholder – specifies a short sentencte or keyword as a hint on what the input should be filled with

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea placeholder="Write something here..."></textarea>
Placeholder Attribute of Textarea
Placeholder Attribute of Textarea

6. required – specifies a required field, the fill of the textarea is a must

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea required="required">This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>

No need for a view here, it is the same as the default view.

7. rows – specifies the visible number of lines in a textarea

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<textarea rows="8">This is the most basic textarea.</textarea>

3. Styling the Textarea

Styling a textarea will be an easy part and most times necessary on your website.

3.1 Size

In CSS, we can easily specify an initial and maximum width and height for the textarea.

  <style type="text/css">

  textarea {
  	width: 30em;    /* the inital width of the textarea */
  	height: 10em;    /* the inital height of the textarea */

  	max-width: 40em;    /* the maximum width of the textarea */
  	max-height: 15em;    /* the maximum height of the textarea */

Look at both cases:

Textarea CSS Size
Textarea CSS Size

3.2 Font & Padding

You can have custom fonts inside the textarea. Look at the css below:

  <style type="text/css">

  textarea {
  	padding: 1em;   /* space on all directions */

  	font-family: "Montserrat", "sans-serif";
  	font-size: 1em;

Notice, now the text is inside a placeholder.

Font and Padding Applied
Font and Padding Applied

3.2 Border

Custom borders can be applied to textarea elements like below:

  <style type="text/css">

  textarea {
  	border: 0.1em solid #ccc;
  	border-radius: 0.5em;
Styling the border of a Textarea
Styling the border of a Textarea

3.3 Background

Custom borders can be applied to textarea elements like below:

  <style type="text/css">

  textarea {
  	background-color: #ffffe6;
Background Applied to Textarea
Background Applied to Textarea

4. Conclusion

To conclude, we can say that it is pretty easy and comfortable to create and style a textarea element in HTML5 and CSS3.

Do always remember to give the textarea a name when considering information that has to be submitted like so:

<!-- HTML SECTION  -->
<form action="/post">
	<textarea name="message" placeholder="Write your message here..."></textarea>
	<input type="submit"> <!-- this represents the submit button -->

The code above is an example of how you can have a textarea inside a form and submit it.

Also, take advantage of the html attributes to achieve as much as you can without having to style it all in css.

However, styling works just good for elements of html directly as well as when referred to classes.

5. Download

You can download the full source code of this example here: HTML5 Textarea

Fabio Cimo

Fabio is a passionate student in web tehnologies including front-end (HTML/CSS) and web design. He likes exploring as much as possible about the world wide web and how it can be more productive for us all. Currently he studies Computer Engineering, at the same time he works as a freelancer on both web programming and graphic design.
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