
Serverless is the new Build Server: Google CloudBuild (Container Builder) via NodeJS

Google’s CloudBuild (a.k.a. “Container Builder”) is an on-demand, container-based build service offered under the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For you and me, it is a nice alternative to maintaining and paying for our own build server, and a clever addition to anyone’s CI stack.

CloudBuild allows you to start from a source (e.g. a Google Cloud Source repo, a GCS bucket – or perhaps even nothing (a blank directory; “scratch”), incrementally apply several Docker container runs upon it, and publish the final result to a desired location: like a Docker repository or a GCS bucket.

With its wide variety of custom builders, CloudBuild can do almost anything – that is, as far as I see so far, anything that can be achieved by a Docker container and a volume mount can be fulfilled in CloudBuild as well. To our great satisfaction, this includes fetching sources from GitHub/BitBucket repos (in addition to the native source location options), running custom commands like zip, and much more!

Above all this (how nice of GCP!), CloudBuild gives you 2 whole hours (120 minutes) of build time per day, for free – in comparison to the comparable CodeBuild service of AWS, which offers just 1 hour and 40 minutes per month!

So, now let’s have a look at how we can run a CloudBuild via JS (server-side NodeJS):

First things first: adding googleapis:28.0.1 to our dependency list;

  "dependencies": {
    "googleapis": "28.0.1"

Don’t forget the npm install!

In our logic flow, first we need to get ourselves authenticated; with the google-auth-library module that comes with googleapis, this is quite straightforward because the client can be fed with a JWT auth client right from the beginning, which will handle all the auth stuff behind the scenes:

const projectId = "my-gcp-project-id";

const google = require("googleapis").google;

const key = require("./keys.json");
const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT({
    email: key.client_email,
    key: key.private_key,
    scopes: [""]
google.options({auth: jwtClient});

Note that, for the above code to work verbatim, you need to place a service account key file in the current directory (usually obtained by creating a new service account via the Google Cloud console, in case you don’t already have one).

Now we can simply retrieve the v1 version of the cloudbuild client from google, and start our magic:

const builds = google.cloudbuild("v1").projects.builds;

First we submit a build “spec” to the CloudBuild service. Below is an example for a typical NodeJS module on GitHub:

    projectId: projectId,
    resource: {
        steps: [
                name: "",
                args: ["clone", "", "."]
                name: "",
                args: ["install"]
                name: "kramos/alpine-zip",
                args: [
                    "-x", "package.json", ".git/", ".git/**", "",
                name: "",
                args: [
    .catch(e => {
        throw Error("Failed to start build: " + e);

Basically we retrieve the source from GitHub, fetch the dependencies via a npm install, bundle the whole thing using a zip command container (took me a while to figure it out, which is why I’m posting this!) and upload the resulting zip to a GCS bucket.

We can tidy this up a bit (and perhaps make the template reusable for subsequent builds, by extracting out the parameters into a substitutions section:

const repoUrl = "";
const projectName = "slappforge-sdk";
const bucket = "sdk-archives";

    projectId: projectId,
    resource: {
        steps: [
                name: "",
                args: ["clone", "$_REPO_URL", "."]
                name: "",
                args: ["install"]
                name: "kramos/alpine-zip",
                args: [
                    "-x", "package.json", ".git/", ".git/**", "",
                name: "",
                args: [
        substitutions: {
            _REPO_URL: repoUrl,
            _PROJECT_NAME: projectName,
            _BUCKET_NAME: bucket
    .catch(e => {
        throw Error("Failed to start build: " + e);

Once the build is started, we can monitor it like so (with a few, somewhat neat wrappers to properly manage the timer logic):

.then(response => {
        let timer = {
            handle: null

        startTimer(() => {
            return builds.get({
                projectId: projectId,
                .catch(e => {
                    throw e;
                .then(response => {
                    const COMPLETE_STATES = ["SUCCESS", "DONE", "FAILURE", "CANCELLED"];
                    if (COMPLETE_STATES.includes( {
                        return false;
                    return true;
        }, timer, 5000);

// small utility to run a timer task without multiple concurrent requests

const startTimer = (func, timer, period) => {
    let caller = () => {
        func().then(repeat => {
            if (repeat) {
                timer.handle = setTimeout(caller, period);
    timer.handle = setTimeout(caller, period);

Once the build reaches a steady state, you are done!

If you want fine-grained details, just dig into within the timer callback blocks.

Happy CloudBuilding!

Published on Web Code Geeks with permission by Janaka Bandara, partner at our WCG program. See the original article here: Serverless is the new Build Server: Google CloudBuild (Container Builder) via NodeJS

Opinions expressed by Web Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Janaka Bandara

A budding software engineer in the enterprise integration space, and a simplistic guy who likes to learn, appreciate, help, share, and enjoy life
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