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Top 10 Web Code Geeks posts for 2015

2015 is coming to its end; time surely flies away. This has been again a great year for Web Code Geeks. Our community continues to rapidly grow and attract web developers all over the world. We are now attracting almost 100,000 unique visitors per month. Thank you for your support on achieving this great milestone!

Our insiders list has also exploded, and now our weekly newsletter reaches more than 27,000 developers. Make sure to hop on the newsletter to enjoy the latest news in the web development world and more. You will also get 6 FREE programming ebooks, complimentary of Web Code Geeks. The books are on technologies like HTML5, jQuery, AngularJS, CSS, Bootstrap and Node.js.

Now, we are compiling the top Web Code Geeks for the year that just passed.

The ranking of the posts was based on the absolute number of page views per post, not necessarily unique. It includes only articles published in 2015.

So, let’s see in ascending order the top posts for 2015.

10) HTML5 Development Tools List
Ever wanted to start your web project from scratch, but never knew how and where to find the right tools? Well, you’re in the right place. In this thorough article we’ll be explaining essential tools like editors, websites, libraries and frameworks that will boost productivity and help you kickstart your HTML5 project.

9) An End-to-End AngularJS Guide
This isn’t a new eBook, a paperback or an online tutorial. I’ve been writing about Angular since it was in beta and have lots of material I believe is useful for developers with all levels of experience. Instead of forcing you to search haphazardly, this blog post organizes the content so you can jump directly to the post that you need.

8) Angular.js Form Validation Example
One of AngularJS advantages is the simplicity it provides for validating forms. Today’s example demonstrates a simple way to implement client-side validation using the AngularJS form properties. Suppose a form with two fields, username and email and two buttons, one for reset and the other with a submit role.

7) HTML5 websocket example
In this article I will present you the WebSocket feature of HTML5. We will first describe the API with small examples, then I’ll try to create a small app using the API. WebSocket will allow you to create a full connection to a server, this will allow the server to notify (push) data to the connected client(s).

6) Angular.js Routing Example
Today’s example is related with routing in AngularJS. What I firstly found out, while searching over the net for similar resources, is that there isn’t yet any simple example, suitable for an Angular newbie. So, I’ll try to keep today’s post as simple as I can.

5) HTML5 Calendar Example
In this example, our focus will be on creating a calendar component with HTML5 and CSS3 and later add some interactivity using javascript. Calendars will be needed in websites whether just for information or when date input is needed. The user is always willing to see nice stuff.

4) Angular.js JSON Fetching Example
JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers. Today’s example’s about displaying data from a JSON file to an Angular.js application.

3) HTML5 Dropdown menu example with CSS3
With HTML5 and CSS3 now standard in most modern browsers, web developers can easily and quickly create attractive and responsive menus. Today we will see how we can leverage HTML5 and CSS3 to create a simple navigation menu.

2) HTML5 Navigation Bar Example
In this article we will present you a way for creating an HTML5 navigation bar. We will only use CSS and no JavaScript. Let’s see how this can be done!

1) HTML5 File Upload Example
Today I’ll explain how to use HTML 5, to read information about file(s) selected by users, and to upload the file(s) on a server. The FileApi is one of the most interesting features added with HTML 5. Now we can display file(s) information before they are uploaded on the server, and we can send them without “posting” a form.

So, that would be all! I hope you enjoyed this folks. Our top posts for 2015. We would love to see you around again and have your support and love in the year to come. If you haven’t done it already, subscribe to our newsletter for more web technologies updates!

Stay tuned for more Web Code Geeks surprises within the new year. It is going to be… legendary!

Happy new year everyone! From the whole Web Code Geeks team, our best wishes!

Be well,

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Web Code Geeks.
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